New iGrid reports:
The emergence of an intelligent grid is by no means certain and will a range of barriers. For our electricity network to evolve successfully to an intelligent grid, we will need to address the impacts for different stakeholders, avoiding or minimising major negative aspects and maximising the positive aspects.
The deliberative process will be launched in February 2009 and will include a representative set of industry stakeholders. Stakeholders interested in participating in the deliberative process should sign up for email updates which will provide further information. The outcomes of the deliberative process will be documented in a Draft Report by the end of 2010. The report will also include an evaluation of the process itself.
As an integral element of the Intelligent Grid Program a series of Industry Forums will be held across Australia with key stakeholders to raise awareness of our research program and ensure the relevance of our research for electricity network businesses and distributed energy product and service providers.
The Decentralised Energy Roadmap was launched on the 15 December by the Honourable Martin Ferguson AM. Idustry addresses were provided by George Maltabarow the Managing Director of Ausgrid and Dr Brian Spalding a Commissioner with the Australian Energy Market Commission.
The event was co-hosted by the Australian Alliance to Save Energy and is the last in a series of six industry and stakeholder engagement forums held across Australia. The Roadmap is a key product of the iGrid Program. The formal launch was followed by panel discussions with key stakeholders to discuss the Roadmap and its central themes of: the potential of decentralised energy, the benefits, costs and barriers associated with advancing decentralised energy technologies and policy options to address these barriers.
Mr Jon Jutsen - Chairman, Australian Alliance to Save Energy
Introducing the Australian Decentralised Energy Roadmap- Prof. Stuart White - iGrid Cluster Leader, Institute for Sustainable Futures
31 August 2010
This showcase provided perspectives from key stakeholders on the role of DE technologies in the Queensland context. It also feaured a Policy research workshop and a Technical research workshop which outlined the aims and outcomes of the research work being undertaken by the cluster.
Policy research showcase discussed the policies as well as social and economic aspects to enable to uptake of distributed energy measures. It also exploted how integrating distributed energy technology with a smarter electricity network could facilitate major greenhouse gas emission reductions. The key findings of the research projects were presented in this session.
Technical research showcase outlined the key findings of the projects that have more of a technical focus in this research cluster, including network constraints, control solutions, siting of DE technologies and mini-grids.
Showcase Brochure
Overview of the Intelligent Grid Cluster- Prof. Stuart White - iGrid Cluster Leader, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney
Next Steps- Demonstrating the Intelligent Grid in Action- Dr Alex Wonhas Director, Energy Transformed Flagship, CSIRO
The Role of Demand Management and Distributed Generation in Smarter Networks- Mr Jim Chisholm Executive General Manager, Energy Sustainability and Market Development Ergon Energy
Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Growth- Mr Darryl Rowell Group Manager Strategy & Development, Energex
Distributed Energy and the National Electricity Market - Dr Liam Wagner University of Queensland, Research Fellow, Project 2
Costs, Benefits and Policy Tools for Distributed Energy - Chris Dunstan University of Technology, Sydney, Project Leader, Project 4
Social and community aspects of distributed energy- Dr Diane Costello Curtin University of Technology, Research Fellow, Project 5
CSIRO Energy Technology Roles for Energy Storage in Australia's Electricity Infrastructure- Mr Geoff James Principal Research Scientist
Grid Stability with the Integration of Distributed Energy Technologies- Prof. Tapan Saha University of Queensland, Project Leader Project 1
Optimal Siting and Dispatch of Distributed Energy Technologies- Prof. Gerard Ledwich Queensland University of Technology, Project Leader, Project 3
Network Benefits and Optimisation of Distributed Generation- Dr Dilan Jayaweera Curtin University of Technology, Senior Lecturer, Project 3
Integrating Distributed Energy in a new Housing Development: A large scale Case Study- Prof. Wasim Saman University of South Australia, Project Leader, Project 6
Optimising Distributed Energy in a Microgrid- Prof. Arindam Ghosh Queensland University of Technology, Project Leader, Project 7
Intelligent Grids and distributed energy are central to a transition to a low carbon future. This transition must include renewable energy, energy efficiency , small scale generation, smart meters and demand management.
This forum explored the benefits, costs, barriers and policy tools associated with advancing low emission distributed energy technologies. It assessed the potential of DE technologies within the context of human, political, environmental and economic factors to deliver a secure and flexible energy supply for Australia.
Perth Forum Brochure
Essential Ingredients for Building the Network of the Future- Mr Doug Aberle, Managing Director, Western Power
Intelligent Grids and Distributed Energy in WA- Mr Allan Dawson, CEO, WA Independent Market Operator
Use of Reciprocating Engines in Distributed Generation- Mr Alex Graf, Energy Power Systems
Intelligent Grids and Demand Side Response- Mr Rob Rohrlach, Manager Energy Response
Costs, Benefits and Policy Tools: Towards a Distributed Energy Roadmap- Mr Chris Dunstan, UTS
The Customer Side of Intelligent Grids-Ms Irina Cattalini, Director of Social Policy WACOSS
11 November 2009
Climate change is driving the biggest transformation of the electricity sector in half a century. Intelligent grids and distributed energy are central to this transition which includes: renewable energy, energy efficiency, small scale generation, electric vehicles, smart meters and demand management.
While what to do is becoming clearer, the question of how to make it happen is becoming more urgent. This forum explored the policy tools needed to accelerate the implementation of distributed energy in Australia.
Sydney Forum Brochure
Sydney Forum Presentations
Do Smart Grids need Smarter Rules? - Dr John Tamblyn Chairman, Australian Energy Markets Commission
Markets for Energy Efficiency and Efficiency of Energy Markets - Mr Simon Smith Deputy Director General , NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water
Networks and Carbon Abatement: Unlocking the Potential- Mr George Maltabarow Managing Director, Energy Australia and Chair Energy Networks Association
Local Government and the Clean Energy Revolution - Ms Monica Barone, Chief Executive Officer, City of Sydney
The Distributed Energy Policy Toolkit - Mr Chris Dunstan, UTS
Distributed Energy Workshops- Dr Chris Riedy-UTS
Smart Cities, Smart Infrastructure, Smart Finance - Ms Monica Richter Sustainable Australia Program Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation
Rolling out the Smart Grid, Smart City Concept - Mr Graham Marshall, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Aligning Incentives for Distributed Energy- Mr Anthony Szatow, Project Leader, CSIRO
Australia's Energy Choices - Dr Alex Wonhas Flagship Director, Energy Transformed Flagship, CSIRO
Professor Stuart White Intelligent Grid Cluster Leader, Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
14 July, 2009 Melbourne
Australia confronts an unprecedented set of challenges in developing its electricity system: climate change, the financial crisis, reliability and asset renewal. What is the lowest cost strategy to respond to these challenges?
This forum examined the benefits and costs of energy efficiency, distributed generation, load management and smart meters. It explored the potential of these distributed energy technologies to deliver a secure, flexible energy supply, at a lower cost and with less greenhouse gas emissions.
Industry Forum Brochure
Melbourne Forum Presentations
Distributed Energy in Victoria- Mr Michael Williamson, Sustainability Victoria
Smart grids: What's in it for Networks- Mr Mike Fajdida, United Energy Distribution
Smart Grids and Smarter Energy Use: The Climate for Change- Mr Graham Marshall, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Details and Costs of Distributed Energy: The DCODE Model- Mr Chris Dunstan- UTS
Smart Metering and Time of Use Pricing: Expected costs and outcomes- Mr Tony Chenco, SP Ausnet
The Business Case for Demand Side Response- Mr Ross Fraser, Energy Response
Distributed Energy Workshops- Dr Chris Riedy-UTS
Solar PV: What is Grid Partity and how might we get there- Dr Muriel Watt, IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd
Smart Grids- The next steps- Ms Vicki Brown, Enegy Networks Association
Energy Efficiency: Costs and Potential in the Real World- Mr Craig Roussac, Investa Property Group
The forum focussed on the importance of distributed generation, demand management and energy efficiency to facilitate greater reliability, security and sustainability within our electricity networks. It also discussed whether the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS), will bring about the reductions in emissions that we must have to stabilise the climate.
This forum also marked the beginning of a 2 year process to develop an Australian Distributed Energy Roadmap. The Roadmap will provide an assessment of the potential for Distributed Energy and identify the barriers that inhibit its implementation. It will deliver a concise and practical set of recommendations to accelerate the deployment of Distributed Energy in Australia. The forum provides an opportunity for interested stakeholders to contribute to the development of the Roadmap.
Intelligent Grid Forum Brisbane Program
Brisbane Forum Presentations
Introduction to the Intelligent Grid- Professor Stuart White, The Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
The Clean Energy Challenge and Opportunity in Queensland-Dr John Cole, Queensland Office of Clean Energy
Unlocking the Energy Efficiency Potential of Business- Anna Reynolds, Principal Consultant Energetics
Will the carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme drive a clean energy revolution? - Professor John Quiggin, the University of Queensland
The Role of Smart Electricity Networks in a Carbon Constrained World- Mr Terry Effeney, Energex Limited
Meeting NSW Electricity Needs in a Carbon Constrained World- Jay Rutovitz, The Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
Distributed Energy as an Early Action GHG Mitigation Option- Dr Luke Reedman
Small is Overdue: The Need for a New Energy Paradigm- Professor Ian Lowe
Introducing the Distributed Energy Roadmap- Mr Chris Dunstan, The Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
Preparing the Roadmap: What do we know; where should we go? - Doctor Bill Lilley, The CSIRO
Reality check: Do network businesses need a Distributed Energy Roadmap- Mr Glenn Walden
Learning to Talk: The Distributed Energy Roadmap Consultation Process- Dr Chris Riedy
December 5, 2008
This forum was held in Adelaide in December at the University of South Australia. The Forum had a strong focus on two key themes, the first involved examining the Institutional barriers to the emergence of an Intelligent Grid and policy mechanisms to overcome them, through a panel discussion.The second topic explored Homes and the Intelligent Grid through a series of presentations about how energy is used in the home and initiatives that can encourage the implementation of intelligent communications and technologies and how these initiatives can encourage more efficient energy use. The event also included a field trip to the Lochiel Park Green Development that features energy efficiently designed homes that incorporate solar panels,solar hot water systems and in-home displays.
Please click the below links to access the Forum program and the presentations.
Industry Forum Adelaide Program
Adelaide Forum Presentations
Introducing the Intelligent Grid: The Vision and the Research- Professor Stuart White, The Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney
Keynote address: The Role of Economic Regulators in Removing Barriers to Distributed
Energy, Dr Patrick Walsh- Chairman, Essential Services Commission of South Australia
Keynote address: Homes and the Intelligent Grid A Network Perspective- Mr Hugh Gleeson - Chief Executive Officer, United Energy Distribution
Introduction to the Intelligent Grid in a New Housing Development Project-Professor Wasim Saman, Director of Research, Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies, University of South Australia
Householder Perspective to Low Emission Technologies -Dr Peta Ashworth, The CSIRO
Results from House Energy Monitoring- Professor Monica Oliphant,President, International Solar Energy Society
Grid Connected Domestic Solar Power in Australia- Mr Adrian Ferraretto, Director, Solar Shop Australia Pty Ltd
Intelligent Metering and Monitoring of Energy Data- Mr Lachlan Mudge, Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies
August 2008, Sydney
The first Industry Forum was held in Sydney during the official launch of the Intelligent Grid project. The Forum featured two international speakers Nancy Ryan from the Californian Public Utilities Commission and Professor Ho Hiang Kwee, the Director of the A*STAR SINERGY Centre in Singapore, they both spoke about the evolution of Intelligent Grid networks and decentralised energy projects in California and Singapore. Please click the below links to access these presentations
iGrid Evolution in California
iGrid Evolution in Singapore
On 19 August 2008, the Commonwealth Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr offically launched the Intelligent Grid program at the University of Technology, Sydney.
The igrid Industry Forum was attend by over 100 representatives of electricity network businesses, energy efficiency, demand management, distributed generation and metering companies, regulators and government, research institutions, consultancies and consumer and environmental NGOs. Keynote addresses were provided by Ms Nancy Ryan, President’s Chief of Staff of the Californian Public Utilities Commission and Prof Ho Hiang Kwee Director of the Singapore Government’s A*STAR SINERGY Research Centre.
The Sydney forum continued the engagement process that commenced in Brisbane in December 2007. The on-going exchange involves the energy supply industry and other key stakeholders to debate the future role of more intelligent distributed energy options for Australia. The purpose of this Sydney forum was to identify key personnel within the target organisations, raise awareness of the project and engage more New South Wales based stakeholders.
With 80% of Australia’s energy comes from coal-based power, a major contributor to climate change. The Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures at UTS and iGrid Cluster Leader, Prof. Stuart White stated that “combating greenhouse gas emissions requires greener, more efficient energy sources like solar power or fuel cells. We also need to make the network smarter, to actively manage the way people use power for the benefit of all.”
Past conferences include: